Add A New Blog Post
To add a new blog post, log in to the Dashboard and click on Posts, then Add New
Post title
Type in your Title in the box at the top
tells the blog posts WHERE to show up
Example: Check off “finance” for posts to show up on the “Finance” page
Featured Image
is the graphic shown with the blog post everywhere.
Click Set featured image to upload an image or choose from an existing image.
Click Publish to make the post live
Click Save Draft to save your progress without publishing.
After that, click “Update” to save any changes you make
Click Edit by Publish Immediately to schedule or back-date a post
is the text that goes along with each post
You can click on Add Media to upload jpgs, pngs, or pdf files. Pdfs will display embedded within the post, so you don’t have to download them to view it online.
Click the Toolbar Toggle to find more formatting options for the text.
Add a Link to any text by highlighting it, and clicking on the Insert/Edit Link button.
Change Paragraph to a Heading for any text you want to make large or bold.
This is an example of a Paragraph
This is an example of a Heading 1
This is an example of a Heading 2
This is an example of a Heading 3
This is an example of a Heading 4
This is an example of a Heading 5
This is an example of a Preformatted
This is an example of a block quote
- Wordpress login at
- Events
- Add New
- Add title
- Add bid text and instructions in the Visual editor (copy and paste from document)
- Choose Start and End Dates & Times, or check All Day Event
- Choose Location if applicable (for conferences) or simply choose "Purchasing Division" (for bid listings)
- Choose Categories: (this is what adds these listings to your page and not elsewhere)
- Finance Calendar
- –Pre-Bid Conference (particular date and time)
- –Purchasing Bids (range of days or weeks)
- Finance Calendar
- Publish Event
- Add New
- Log into the wordpress dashboard here:
- Find the meeting you're wanting to add the Agenda/Minutes/Video to and click "Edit Event" up top
- Place your cursor into the body of the event to add information and...
- Video: HAS TO BE ADDED IN "Text" EDITOR MODE. Click the "Text" tab and then paste the embed code of the video here from wherever it is hosted
- Facebook:
- click on the three dots on the video and choose "</> Embed"
- Click to "Include full post" and then click on "Copy Code"
- click on the three dots on the video and choose "</> Embed"
- Youtube:
- click on "Share" for any video, then
- click on "Embed" and the Embed Video options will pop up
- click on "Copy" to copy that code
- click on "Share" for any video, then
- Facebook:
- Once you've pasted the video code, you can toggle back to "Visual" editor and you'll see the preview video box now instead of the code.
- Click on "Update" in the upper right hand corner to save your changes.
- Minutes/Agenda CAN BE ADDED IN "Visual" MODE
- Click on the Add Media button
- You can choose to upload new files or select one that's already uploaded here. To upload new, slick "Select Files" and navigate to wherever the document is saved on your computer and click "Open" to upload it.
- Once it finishes uploading, you'll be able to select "Insert into Post" and it will embed that document into the event by default (it does this for pdf files).
- If you'd like to simply add a link to the file, you can copy the link from the embed code that it generates in order to add that link to any words within the post. (The "link" button looks like a chain link.) This will make it look like the example post I was working with, rather than embedding the document into the post (sample event). Then you can delete the remains of the embed code.
- You can choose to upload new files or select one that's already uploaded here. To upload new, slick "Select Files" and navigate to wherever the document is saved on your computer and click "Open" to upload it.
- Click on "Update" in the upper right hand corner to save your changes.
- Click on the Add Media button
- Video: HAS TO BE ADDED IN "Text" EDITOR MODE. Click the "Text" tab and then paste the embed code of the video here from wherever it is hosted
To update any commissioner's headshot, you'd go update their "Portfolio item"... this will update her headshot in lots of different places -- including the headshot on her landing page, and anywhere we have a grid of ALL commissioners (like the homepage).
- Log in to Dashboard:
- Click on Portfolio
- I like to search for "name" in the list to make finding each one easier
- Then click on edit to make changes
- In the main body copy, you can add or delete info like normal.
- Then scroll down to the bottom and click on Remove featured image, then Set featured image to upload her new photo.
- Once the image and text is fixed up, click on Update at the top to save your changes.
- In the main body copy, you can add or delete info like normal.
- On, navigate to the individual video you want to add to the website
- Click on Share
- Click on Embed
- Copy that embed code highlighted in blue
- ADD VIDEO TO WEBSITE USING CORNERSTONE FANCY PAGE BUILDER (not the simple page editor with the one text box):
- Log in to wordpress dashboard here:
- Navigate to whatever page you want to embed a video into
- Click on Cornerstone and then Edit Page
- Click on the column you want to add the video to and then click on the "+" button to add a new video element into this column (you can search for "video" to find the video element in the long list)
- Once added, you can drag it up or down in the column to position it where you want (I moved this one to the top of the column)
- Click on the Magnifying Glass to edit the video element
- Paste the youtube embed code here
- Click Save to save your changes
Sign in to the wordpress dashboard here:
- To add or edit an auction to the website, go to Events in the dashboard
- Click on Add New to create a new auction event
- Fill in the name Adjudicated Property Auction in the Title area
- Under Event Categories, be sure to check off Public Works Calendar. This is what makes the event show up on the Public Works page.
- Set the TIME & DATE, LOCATION (Public Works Department)
- To add the notification pdf file, place your cursor in the Visual editor and click on Add Media
Click on Upload files, then Select Files and navigate to wherever the pdf file is saved on your computer. Select the pdf file and click on Open to start the upload.
- Click on Insert into post to add the to your event. It will look like this:
- It includes the link in the middle of that shortcode in order to embed the pdf file when you view the front end of the post.
You can also use that link elsewhere if you don't want the pdf file embedded.
- Click Publish to publish the event right away.
- If you want to schedule the event to be published at a future date, click on the Edit beside Publish immediately and select the date and time you'd like it to publish. Then click Ok. Click Schedule to finalize everything and set it to post.
- To EDIT an existing auction event, you can type in "adjudicated" and click on Search Events to narrow the list down to find what you need.
- Find the date you want to change and click on Edit to update any details.
- For this example, I deleted the link and embedded pdf file from before. Then I uploaded a new pdf file that was provided a few days after this was published. (Follow the same detailed instructions above to upload and add a new pdf file to the event.)
- Then click on Update to save your changes.