Storm Water Management Program
The Storm Water Management Program is documented in the Storm Water Management Plan. The Storm Water Management Plan was initially prepared in 2002 and is updated annually to ensure it accurately reflects current conditions in the parish.
The Storm Water Management Plan focuses on six minimum control measures:
- Public Education and Outreach on Storm Water Impacts
- Public Involvement/Participation
- Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination
- Construction Site Storm Water Runoff Control
- Post-Construction Storm Water Management in New Developments and Redevelopments
- Pollution Prevention/Good Housekeeping for Municipal Operations
Public Education & Outreach
An informed and knowledgeable community is crucial to the success of a storm water management program since it helps to ensure greater support and compliance with the program. To accomplish this task, Caddo is planning and implementing the following practices:
- Internet access to the Storm Water Management Plan
- Distribution of pamphlets that present storm water pollution issues and methods to prevent storm water pollution
- Public presentation of Caddo’s strategy and implementation of the Storm Water Management Program
Some of the information pamphlets being used by Caddo are linked below:
Public Involvement & Participation
Because the public can provide valuable input and assistance to Caddo Parish for the storm water management program, the public should be given opportunities to play an active role in both the development and implementation of the program. An active and involved community is crucial to the success of a storm water management program because it allows for broader public support, shorter implementation schedules, a broader base of expertise, and a conduit to other programs in the community. To accomplish this task, Caddo is planning and implementing the following practices:
- Co-sponsorship of household hazardous waste programs
- Stakeholder meetings
- Storm Water Management Programs with Children
Some helpful pamphlets:
- Stormwater Placement for Middle School Children
- Stormwater Pollution Found in your area Notice
- Clean Water Pamphlet
Illicit Discharge Detection & Elimination
Discharges from storm sewers often include wastes and wastewater from non-storm water sources. Many of these sources are from illicit and/or inappropriate discharges and connections to the storm sewer. And many of these sources contribute pollutants to our waters that pollute the environment. So, it is important that these non-storm water sources be identified and eliminated.
The Parish of Caddo is planning and implementing the following practices:
- Mapping the storm sewer system to allow for tracing discharges upstream
- Development and updating the illicit discharge ordinance
- Developing an Illicit Discharge Detection Plan
- Conducting illicit discharge outreach education
Construction Site Storm Water Runoff
Polluted storm water runoff from construction sites often flows to storm sewers and ultimately is discharged into local rivers and streams. Of the pollutants typically in storm water runoff, sediment is usually the main pollutant of concern. Sediment runoff rates from construction sites are typically 10 to 20 times greater than those of agricultural lands, and 1,000 to 2,000 times greater than those of forest lands.
During a short period of time, construction sites can contribute more sediment to streams than can be deposited naturally during several decades. The resulting situation, and the contribution of other pollutants from construction sites, can cause physical, chemical, and biological harm to our waters.
Caddo has implemented a permitting program consistent with state and federal programs for control of pollutants in storm water discharge from construction sites. Caddo’s program is no more stringent, but our efforts to reinforce the existing federal and state programs will further the reduction in pollutants in the storm water discharged to our waters.
Our main effort is to ensure compliance with existing state programs (Louisiana Pollutant Discharge Elimination System) by not facilitating any construction projects that are not complying with state and federal regulation. To do this, Caddo will ensure that all projects are properly permitted prior to issuance of development permits. This will be accomplished through the development and implementation of a construction site runoff ordinance, erosion and pollution control guidance, and construction site inspection to ensure compliance.
There are two programs for permitting storm water discharges from construction activities:
- Small Construction (1-5 acres disturbed area)
- Construction (5 or more acres disturbed area)
- Both programs are currently administered by the Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality.
Post-Construction Storm Water Management
Post-construction storm water management in areas undergoing new development or redevelopment is necessary because runoff from these areas has been shown to significantly affect receiving water bodies. Many studies indicate that prior planning and design for the minimization of pollutants in post-construction storm water discharges is the most cost-effective approach to storm water quality management.
There are generally two forms of substantial impacts of post-construction runoff. The first is caused by an increase in the type and quantity of pollutants in storm water runoff. As runoff flows over areas altered by development, it picks up harmful sediment and chemicals such as oil and grease, pesticides, heavy metals, and nutrients (e.g. nitrogen and phosphorus). These pollutants often become suspended in runoff and are carried to receiving waters, such as lakes, ponds, and streams. Once deposited, these pollutants can enter the food chain through small aquatic life, eventually entering the tissues of fish and humans.
The second kind of post-construction runoff impact occurs by increasing the quantity of water delivered to the water body during storms. Increased impervious surfaces interrupt the natural cycle of gradual percolation of water through vegetation and soil. Instead, water is collected from surfaces such as asphalt and concrete and routed to drainage systems where large volumes of runoff quickly flow to the nearest receiving water. The effects of this process include stream bank scouring and downstream flooding, which often lead to a loss of aquatic life and damage to property.
Caddo is developing and implementing the following practices to reduce impacts associated with post-construction runoff:
- Development of a post-construction storm water management ordinance
- Development of a post-construction storm water management program
Pollution Prevention for Municipal Operations
As a part of the Storm Water Management Plan, Caddo will examine and subsequently alter our own activities to help ensure a reduction in the amount and type of pollution that
- Collects on streets, parking lots, open spaces, and storage and vehicle maintenance areas and is discharged into local waterways
- Results from actions such as environmentally damaging land development and flood management practices or poor maintenance of storm sewer systems
Caddo is planning and implementing the following practices:- Development of an Operation and Maintenance Program
- Employee training
- Internal review of parish operations relative to storm water discharges