Application Process
Application for Purchase of Adjudicated Property

Once you have located an adjudicated parcel, you will need to fill out an Application for Purchase. The Parish only accepts applications for parcels adjudicated for Parish or both Parish & City taxes. For City Only adjudication, you will need to contact the City of Shreveport at 318-673-6022.

The Procedures for Sealed Bid Application lists each step you must take in order to complete the process. All procedures are according to Parish Ordinance 5831 of 2018.

Application fees vary so it is advised to check with the Parish before submitting an application. Application fees must be paid by certified check or money order made payable to the ’Parish of Caddo’.

Interested Party

All property to be sold at a public sale must be advertised for bid. All interested parties must turn in a sealed bid including a Sealed Bid Form by the advertised deadline specified on the Public Notice. All sealed bids must be in accordance with Parish ordinance 5831.

Any person desiring to submit a bid for the purchase of tax title to the adjudicated property as provided above shall: (1) Submit in a sealed envelope a completed and signed adjudicated property bid form and certified funds (cashier’s check or money order) for the amount of the bid and estimated expenses of the sale(except for the original applicant who only shall include the amount of the bid). (2) Write on the outside of the sealed envelope the name, address, telephone number of the bidder, and the Assessor’s geographical number for the subject property. The amount of the bid shall not be written on the outside of the envelope. Any sealed envelope on which the amount of the bid is written or otherwise indicated shall be returned to the bidder unopened. (3) Deliver the sealed envelope by hand, mail, commercial courier, or other means to the Caddo Parish Department of Public Works at the address provided on the adjudicated property bid form by the date and time in the published notice. Bidders are responsible for the timely submission of their bids. Submissions received after that date and time shall be returned unopened to the address on the outside of the envelope.

Additional Details

All sales are listed in the Parish Official Journal. This year the Commission voted the Caddo Citizen out of Vivian to be this year’s official journal for Caddo Parish.

Our office is located at 505 Travis Street, Suite 820. For any questions, you may contact the Adjudicated Property Department at 318-226-6930.

Adjudicated Property / Redemption Request
It should be noted that an online request is just that, a request. A request does not establish an application.
Redemption requests take additional days pending on the day of the month, the status of the property, and the CPSO notification.

Property Sales
Current Bid Sessions

Adjudicated Property Sale

Government Plaza 505 Travis Street, 1st Floor, Shreveport, LA, United States

The next opening of sealed bids for adjudicated properties is scheduled for February 26th, 2025. The public bid opening will be held on the first floor of Government Plaza. All bids must be submitted by 9:30 a.m. on the day of the opening. Properties for Bid Bid Instructions – Please read before submitting a bid Intent to Bid Form – This ...

Sealed Bids

Any person desiring to submit a bid for the purchase of adjudicated property shall:

A.    Submit in a sealed envelope a completed and signed Adjudicated Property Bid Form and certified funds (cashier’s check or money order) for the amount of the bid and estimated expenses of the sale (except for the original applicant who only shall include the amount of the bid).

B. Write on the outside of the sealed envelope the name, address, telephone number of the bidder, and the Assessor’s Geo. number for the subject property. The amount of the bid shall not be written on the outside of the envelope. Any sealed envelope on which the amount of the bid is written or otherwise indicated will be returned to the bidder unopened.

Deliver the sealed envelope by hand, mail, commercial courier, or other means to the Caddo Parish Department of Public Works at the address provided on the adjudicated property bid form by the date and time in the published notice. Bidders are responsible for the timely submission of their bids. Submissions received after that date and time shall be returned unopened to the address outside the envelope.

On the date and time set in the Public Notice, all sealed bids will be open and publicly read aloud. 
Bidders need not attend; all high bidders will be notified by mail or phone.

All public sales are held at the Caddo Parish Public Works Department located at:

Government Plaza,
505 Travis Street (Suite 820)
Shreveport, La. 71101.

For additional information, please contact Caddo Parish Public Works at 318-226-6930.

Reinvest Caddo
Property Purchase

The Reinvest Caddo property acquisition program was created by Ordinance 5684 to encourage redevelopment within Caddo Parish. Ordinance 6302 of 2023 removes the requirement for approval from Shreveport Community Development. Participants are strongly advised to check with Caddo Parish Public Works, City of Shreveport Property Management Section, before proceeding with an application to purchase or expense any funds (appraisal, etc.).

When an application has been submitted and approved, the applicant will be provided an estimate of the costs of obtaining full ownership of the property. Also, the applicant shall execute an agreement to purchase said property for the appraised value. The Parish of Caddo & the City of Shreveport will reserve all the oil, gas, and other minerals on any property conveyed.

Purchase Application

Property Donation

The Reinvest Caddo property acquisition program was created by Ordinance 5684 to encourage redevelopment within Caddo Parish. Ordinance 6302 of 2023 removes the requirement for approval from Shreveport Community Development. Participants are strongly advised to check with Caddo Parish Public Works, City of Shreveport Property Management Section, before proceeding with an application for donation or expending any funds (appraisal, etc.).

When an application has been submitted and approved, the applicant will be provided an estimate of the costs of obtaining full ownership of the property. Also, the applicant shall execute an agreement to accept the donation of said property. The Parish of Caddo & the City of Shreveport will reserve all the oil, gas, and other minerals on any property conveyed.

Following notification that the property is adjudicated and not subject to an existing request for sale, the applicant shall execute an agreement to acquire the property by donation. The applicant shall pay a non-refundable deposit to the parish, which equals the estimate of costs under section 19-52 (3). If the applicant proposes to include the properties in an affordable rental housing program, the agreement will include the applicant’s agreement to a payment in lieu of taxes equal to 40 percent of the amount of ad valorem taxes that would have been assessed on the property where the property to be owned by a for-profit entity.

Donation Application