The Caddo Parish Commission is the governing authority for the Parish of Caddo and is a political subdivision of the State of Louisiana. The Commission consists of 12 members called Commissioners who are elected to four-year terms from single member districts.

The Commission, under the provisions of Louisiana Revised Statutes 33:1271-1285, enacts ordinances, sets policy and establishes programs in such fields as criminal and juvenile justice, highways and streets, sanitation, planning and zoning, public health and welfare, libraries, culture and recreational facilities, economic development and general administrative services.

The Commission was established December 10, 1984 after voter approval of the Home Rule Charter for Caddo Parish on April 7, 1984. The Commission replaced the Caddo Parish Police Jury which was established January 18, 1838. Under the Home Rule Charter form of government, an elected Commission serves as the legislative branch and the Parish Administrator is the Chief Executive Officer.

Although the Caddo Parish Commission holds a membership in the Louisiana Police Jury Association, Caddo Parish is among a few parishes that operates under the “commission-administrator” form of government. The Commission’s other memberships include the National Association of Counties, the Government Finance Officers Association, the Black Caucus of the State Police Jury and the National Association of Black County Officials.

The Commission currently meets in regular session on the Thursday following the first and third Tuesday of each month. The Commission meets in work session on the Monday prior to the Thursday regular sessions.


(318) 226-6900

P.O. Box 1127
Shreveport, LA 71163

505 Travis St.
Suite 800
Shreveport, LA 71101

Monday - Friday
8:00 am - 5:00 pm


Adjudicated Property Sale

Government Plaza 505 Travis Street, 1st Floor, Shreveport, LA, United States

The next opening of sealed bids for adjudicated properties is scheduled for January 29th, 2025. The public bid opening will be held on the first floor of Government Plaza. All bids must be submitted by 9:30 a.m. on the day of the opening. Properties for Bid Bid Instructions – Please read before submitting a bid Intent to Bid Form – This ...


Government Plaza 505 Travis Street, 1st Floor, Shreveport, LA, United States

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Clerk's Office FAQs

Who are the officers?

Here is the letter that we send each year to the Secretary of State with your updated Officers. Remember that each Parish government is different and many Parishes has a Parish PReseident who acts more like the Administrator or a Mayor and serves for several years, so there are often difference when considering how something worked in a different Parish.

When is the next meeting?

Here is a copy of all of the Regular and Work Session meetings for 2024. Lagniappe: Commissioners adopt the schedule annually, usually in November.

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