Notification Period Adjudicated for 2020 taxes or newer: If the subject property has been adjudicated for less than 5 years, 180 days notification. Adjudicated for 2018 taxes or older: If the subject property has been adjudicated for five (5) years or more, 60 days notification. Ways to find Property that is Adjudicated: Caddo Assessor (Pro Search) – Property Search This subscription-based …
Who is my Commissioner?
Click here to find your commissioner by street address
Caddo Parish Commission Redistricting Process
On February 23, 2023 the Caddo Parish Commission adopted Ordinance 6310 of 2023 adopting the new Caddo Parish Commission district lines: Ordinance 6310 Map Plan Components Population Summary Precinct Changes Overview Every 10 years after the release of the U.S. Census, Cities, Parishes, School Boards, and States redraw the lines for election districts to keep population equal on their respective …
Why should I choose electronic payments over a check?
Once invoices are processed for payment, funds from virtual credit card payments are typically available to you within 1-2 business days, ACH direct deposits are available within 1-3 business days, while paper checks may take up to 7-10 business days to arrive. Apart from receiving your payments faster, you’ll be provided your own payment portal. Here you can view your …
What if we still want to receive check payments?
Moving to electronic payments will expedite your receipt of payment, while also eliminating the risk of a check being lost in the mail. However, vendors who do not wish to register for ACH or virtual credit card payments will still receive paper checks. These checks will be printed by Nvoicepay/Corpay instead of being printed in house, unless specifically requested by …
Are there fees affiliated with electronic payments?
Caddo Parish and Nvoicepay/Corpay do not charge vendors any additional fees for using these services. However, if you enroll in virtual credit card payments, your credit card processing system may apply the typical card processing fees associated with Mastercard payments. If your organization charges additional credit card processing fees, transaction fees, convenience fees, etc. please enroll in ACH payments …
How can I get paid faster?
Caddo Parish has partnered with Corpay Payment Automation to facilitate electronic payments to our vendors. We chose Corpay as they are the leader in vendor payment automation and will ensure that your payments are delivered rapidly and securely. If you’re interested in receiving future payments via virtual credit card or ACH direct deposit, you may register through our “Vendor Payments” …
Attorney Standards
Trial Court Performance Standards for CINC Representation The following excerpt is from the Louisiana Public Defender Board Guide for attorneys representing families involved in Child in Need of Care and Termination of Parental Rights cases. §1101. Purpose A. The standards for parent representation in child in need of care cases are intended to serve several purposes. First and foremost, the standards are …
Does the nature park staff pick up injured animals?
The nature park staff are permitted to care for injured vertebrates, but cannot pick up animals. The Caddo Parish Animal Control Department picks up injured animals and will transport them to the nature park if necessary. Caddo Parish Animal Services
Do you offer any type of recreational ball leagues?
The Parish sponsors an adult women’s basketball league.
Do you offer any summer programs?
The Walter B. Jacobs Memorial Nature Park pavilion serves as the site of a summer Earth Camp each year. The environmental day camp is sponsored jointly by the Parish of Caddo Parks and Recreation Department and Shreveport Green. Questions regarding Earth Camp should be submitted to the director’s office. Other summer programs available are listed under special events.
How do I register a boat on Cross Lake?
Contact the Cross Lake Patrol 2900 Municipal Pier Rd. Shreveport, La. 71119 Phone (318)673-7245
Do I need a license to fish off the pier at Earl G. Williamson Park?
A La. Fishing license is required to fish in any of the Parish parks that allow fishing. LADWF Fishing Licenses
What type of trails do the parks have?
Walter B. Jacobs Memorial Nature Park, P. B. S. Pinchback Park, Keithville Community Park, Greenbrook Park, and Stoner Hill Park have handicapped accessible asphalt paths. Walter Jacobs Nature Park has more than five miles of hiking trails. Eddie D. Jones Park has more than ten miles of mountain biking trails, five miles of horseback riding trails, and 1 ½ miles …
Are there any animals at the parks? If so, what kind?
Several of the Parish parks located on area lakes have native birds, mammals, and other animals that can sometimes be observed in the parks. The Walter B. Jacobs Memorial Nature Park has displays of native fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals used in educational programs, in addition to the native wildlife found in the park.
Is hunting allowed in parish parks?
Hunting is not allowed on any Parish park sites.
Can I reserve a park or parks site?
Parish park sites are available on a first-come-first-serve basis. Park patrons can request a permit to access the utilities, free of charge, via phone, email, regular mail, or fax (318) 212-0229. Reservations can be made for nature programs provided by the Walter B. Jacobs Memorial Nature Park staff. The Walter B. Jacobs Nature Park pavilion can also be rented, 4 …
Do any of the parks charge a fee or admission?
None of the Parish parks charge an admission fee. The Walter B. Jacobs Memorial Nature Park does accept donations to feed the park animals. Earl G. Williamson Park charges for overnight camping. RV camper hook-ups $12/night, areas for primitive tent camping $6/night, and a $2 sewage disposal fee for campers not staying overnight in the park.
What are your parks hours of operation?
All parks, with the exception of Walter B. Jacobs Memorial Nature Park and Keithville Community Park, are open to the public from 6 am – 9 pm daily. Boat ramps are open to fishermen 24 hours a day.
Who can I call for help with my child but will not require that my child first appear before the court?
For behavioral or substance abuse issues, call Magellan Health Services of Louisiana at 1-800-424-4399 or visit on the web: Magellan Health Services
I am a victim of domestic violence…
If you are in danger, call 911 or the domestic violence hotline at (318) 226-5015 or (888) 411-1333. Contact The Providence House 221-7887 or visit at 814 Cotton Street, Shreveport, Louisiana 71101. The Providence House offers services to those coping with or fleeing violent relationships. All services are confidential and at no charge.
My child is out of control…
If either you or your child is in immediate danger, contact your local police or sheriff’s department. You may call 318-425-1883 to talk with someone about whether your child’s behavior meets the requirements for filing a FINS Petition or to request the assistance of the court.
The court has issued a warrant for my child’s arrest…
Contact your child’s attorney, Juvenile Probation Officer, the Juvenile Court Clerk’s Office at (318) 226-6751 or The District Attorney’s Office – Juvenile Division at (318) 429-7647 to talk about what your child’s options are. The court does offer juveniles the opportunity to recall the warrant.
My child has been arrested…
If your child has been arrested and brought to detention, an employee will call you and will give you the necessary information. You may ask questions at that time. If your child has been arrested and released to you or another adult, wait to hear from the court. The prosecutor screens these cases and decides whether or not to file …
I have recieved a letter, subpoena or summons from the court…
READ THE DOCUMENT CAREFULLY. It will give you either a number to call or a date and time to appear in court for your first hearing. Follow the instructions.
How do I become a Vendor with the Parish of Caddo?
Contact one of the Purchasers listed in the staff directory to schedule an appointment. All potential vendors need to complete a Vendor’s Application and a Small and Emerging Business Application. (Documents Available online).
What are the specific bidding requirements the agency must follow (dollar, thresholds, etc)?
A Request for Quotes (RFQ) $10,000 – $30,000: The Parish purchasing policy requests that all supply and equipment purchases between $10,000 to $30,000 be made by formal request. Fax or telephone quotes are made depending upon the nature of the item to be purchased. Competitive Sealed Bids ($30,000 and Greater): It is the policy of the parish to solicit competitive …
What are the minimum qualifications for employment?
You must be a citizen of United States or possess a visa permit which allows employment, must be over the age of 18 unless hired through the summer youth / student worker program, possess a high school diploma or equivalent if required by the position, have a valid driver’s license if required by the position, and pass pre-employment screenings such …
How do I apply?
Submit an Application Online You will need to complete an online application for employment with the Human Resources Department of the Parish of Caddo during the time the job is open. Applications must be submitted on or before 11:59 pm on the last date of the opening unless otherwise noted. Applications submitted after that date may not be considered. Note: When submitting an …
Where can I obtain copies of the annual audit report and the annual operating budget?
Electronic copies of audit reports and operating budgets can be obtained from the Department of Finance website at Annual Reports – Budgets & Audits. Physical copies of audit reports and operating budgets are also kept on file in the public documents area at the Shreve Memorial Library.
Why did I receive a notice regarding a paving lien against my property and why is my assessment more than my neighbor’s assessment?
The Parish of Caddo has the authority to order the paving, repaving, or improvement of any streets, public alleys, or public places in the Parish whenever in its judgment and discretion it may be necessary. Property owners whose property abuts a dirt street may petition the Caddo Parish Commission to pave the street. Property owners who represent more than 50 …
Has the Parish paid or received my invoice?
The Finance Department is responsible for paying invoices for the Parish of Caddo. Any questions concerning the payment or receipt of invoices should be directed to the Finance Department at (318) 226-6913.
If I intend to sell alcohol, what permits or licenses do I need?
A class A or B Alcohol Beverage License is required for the sale of alcohol in the Parish. A class A license is for the consumption of liquor on the premises, class B is for liquor in package form only. Applications for an Alcohol Beverage License may be obtained from the Purchasing Department. The application must be accompanied by certified …
What permits and/or licenses will I need to operate a business in Caddo Parish?
An occupational license tax is due and payable upon commencement of the business. The Parish issues a temporary license to conduct business for a period of 30 days. The temporary license must be updated after 30 days, and the original license will be mailed. Occupational licenses may be obtained from the Purchasing Department. Click here to view or download the …
Where do I pay my property tax bill?
The Caddo Parish Tax Assessor values real estate and personal property in Caddo Parish for property tax purposes. The Parish of Caddo does not collect property taxes. Your property tax bill is sent to you at the end of each year by the Caddo Parish Sheriff and Tax Collector. Any inquiries concerning your property tax bill should be made to …
What is the Homestead Exemption?
The homestead exemption is a tax exemption on the first $75,000 of the value of a person’s home. The value of your home is exempt up to $75,000 from state and parish property taxes. The exemption applies to all homeowners. If your home is worth $70,000, you are fully exempt from the payment of property taxes. If it is worth …
What is a property tax mill?
A property tax mill is the tax rate on real property based on $1.00 per $1,000 of assessed property value. A mill is equal to 1/10 cent
How does the Parish determine the assessed value of my property?
Property is assessed by the Caddo Parish Tax Assessor. Questions concerning property assessments should be addressed to: Caddo Parish Tax Assessor 501 Texas Street, Room 101 Shreveport, LA 71101 (318) 226-6701
What is involved in the process of setting up a tour of the Courthouse?
Tours of the Caddo Parish Courthouse are conducted year-round. To schedule a tour for your school group or organization, please call (318)-226-6801.
Can the public use the Courthouse grounds?
Courthouse grounds may be used by organizations with prior approval from the Department of Facilities and Maintenance. Organizations must: Provide date/time of intended use Purpose of event to be held Expected number of attendees Be willing to sign a Hold Harmless Agreement. For more details, please contact Facilities and Maintenance at (318) 226-6899.
Isn’t keeping animals from having litters interfering with nature?
We’ve already interfered. Domesticated dogs and cats mate more often and have larger litters than their wild ancestors, but cannot survive well on their own.
Spaying or neutering makes pets fat and lazy right?
No, that’s caused by overfeeding and lack of exercise. Spayed or neutered pets require fewer calories. Cut down on their meals, and make time for walks or play.
Only females need to be “fixed,” since the litters are their owners’ responsibility right?
But how do those pets get pregnant? A male pet can easily father 750 offspring in his lifetime. (And if he gets into a neighbor’s yard and mates with the “wrong” female, her owner could sue.)
If I neuter my dog, he’ll stop protecting our house won’t he?
Not so! His instinct to “defend his turf” won’t be affected. And he’ll be less likely to wander off.
What’s wrong with wanting my children to see the “miracle of birth”?
But will they? Many pets hide when giving birth. And even if you find good homes for the litter, you may deny homes to animals already born
Pets should have one litter first, to settle them down?
Having a litter won’t improve an animal’s health or permanently change her personality – although she may be tired and irritable while nursing.
Does spaying and neutering cost too much?
They’re cheaper in the long run than caring for the litters! Financial assistance may be available. License fees are often less for spayed or neutered pets.
What are the symptoms of West Nile?
Most people infected with the West Nile Virus will not have any signs of illness.Twenty percent of people who become infected will have mild symptoms such as fever, headache, body aches and occasionally a skin rash on the trunk of the body and swollen lymph glands. The symptoms of severe infection (West Nile encephalitis or meningitis) include headache, high fever, …
Can I be vaccinated for West Nile Virus?
Currently there is no vaccine for West Nile virus, but several companies are working toward developing a vaccine.
How is West Nile Virus treated?
There is no specific treatment for West Nile Virus infection. In severe cases, intensive supportive therapies are used, such as intravenous fluids and medicine to control fever or pain. Antibiotics may be given for any secondary bacterial infection.
Who is at risk for West Nile Virus?
People over 50 years of age have the highest risk of severe disease. It is not known if people with weakened immune systems are at an increase risk for West Nile Virus.
How can I reduce my risk of getting West Nile Virus?
Preventing mosquito bites is the best way to avoid getting the West Nile Virus. Remember the four Ds: Drain, Dusk-to-Dawn, Dress and Deet. Drain standing water in your yard and neighborhood. Standing water can be found in swimming pools that are not kept clean, ponds, pet watering dishes, birdbaths, potted plants, old tires, empty containers, toys and clogged rain gutters. …
What is West Nile Virus?
West Nile Virus is a virus which was previously associated and commonly found in Africa, West Asia and the Middle East. It is not known how long it has been in the United States, but the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) believe the virus probably has been in the US since early summer of 1999. It is closely …
What precautions should I take at home when my area is being sprayed?
Bring in pet dishes or cover them. Cover ornamental ponds and birdbaths. Bring your pets inside for the night. Do not go outside during spray times. If you have health problems, such as asthma, take special precautions as directed by your doctor, if necessary.
Is the Parish going to spray for mosquitoes?
Yes, when it is necessary to do so, we will operate a spray program. We will monitor known breeding sites and apply larvicide to control mosquitos in their infant stages. We will also check identified locations from citizen complaints and apply larvicide or adulticide where needed. WHEN NECESSARY, we will conduct an adulticide spray program to kill mosquito populations during …
How much does it cost to get a Parish address?
A new residential address is ($50.00), and a fee of ($100.00) is for commercial.
If I have less than 5 acres, how can I add another residential structure on my lot?
Less than five acres are required to be subdivided. You will need to contact the Caddo Permits department to make sure you have enough acreage to subdivide.
How do I start the process of getting a 911 address?
The first step is to call the City of Shreveport. If located within the limits of Greenwood, contact the Town of Greenwood. For Oil and Gas addresses, see the Parish section for Oil & Gas.
Who do I speak with about overgrowth or junk in my neighbor’s yard?
For non-commercial locations outside the City of Shreveport, you may contact the Parish property standards department at 318-226-6930.
Does the Parish provide garbage collection?
Public Works does not provide curbside pickup for household trash. Throughout the Parish, there are 18 compactor locations capable of receiving residential household refuse.
Who do I call to report a down or damaged road sign?
For public roads outside the limits of the City of Shreveport, you may contact the Parish Sign shop at 318-226-6936.
Juvenile Court Visitor Information
WHAT TO WEAR When coming to court you do not need to dress up but wear nice clothing that is in good shape. Do not wear shorts, warm-up suits, tank tops, halter tops, short skirts or clothes that show your stomach area or your underwear. Do not wear pants that sag or are too big for you. ACCOMMODATIONS Accommodations for …
Language Access
Please visit the Louisiana Supreme Court’s Office of Language Access for more information.
What kind of benefits do parish employees receive?
Employee Benefits Outline of Available Benefits The Parish of Caddo has a very attractive benefits package available to all full time employees. Advancement possibilities and career tracks are available. The following benefits are enjoyed by Parish employees: Cost of Living Allowance Merit Increases Comprehensive medical insurance (75% of premium paid by Parish for employee and dependents). Excellent pension plan with …
The History of the Juvenile Court for Caddo Parish
The Juvenile Court for Caddo Parish was the second juvenile court established in Louisiana. First implemented in Orleans Parish in 1908, the juvenile court system empowered a special judge to enforce safeguards for the welfare of children. Subsequently, the Louisiana State Legislature passed an act in 1922 which provided for the creation of another juvenile court and a parish detention …
Parish Holidays
New Year’s Day – January 1
Martin Luther King Jr. Day – January 21
President’s Day – February 18
Good Friday – April 19
Memorial Day – May 27
Independence Day – July 4
Labor Day – September 2
Veterans Day – November 11
Thanksgiving Holidays – November 28-29
Christmas Holidays – December 25
How do I start the process of getting a 911 address?
The first step is to call the City of Shreveport. If located within the limits of Greenwood, contact the Town of Greenwood. For Oil and Gas addresses, see the Parish section for Oil & Gas. 9-1-1 Address Permit The Parish of Caddo 911 Addressing Office is responsible for assigning addresses to improved properties outside Shreveport and Vivian. This includes temporary …
How much does it cost to get a Parish address
A new residential address is ($50.00), and a fee of ($100.00) is for commercial.
Parish Veterans Memorial
Disclaimer: The Parish of Caddo cannot verify the accuracy of the Veteran information displayed here. Name Rank Branch Years Served City Comments John T Adams Staff Sergeant Army 23 Keithville My service was one of my own desires. I had plenty of good times in my trips overseas and in the states. I made good friends while in the military …