About Public Works

Our Mission: To deliver high-quality service and citizen satisfaction by planning, building, and maintaining public infrastructure in a way that is dependable and economical.

Our Vision: Make Caddo Parish a desirable place to work, live, and play by creating a professional Public Works organization that will sustainably provide quality infrastructure and services.

Important Information


The Engineering Division of Public Works is responsible for reviewing subdivision plats and development engineering plans and overseeing all construction to ensure that the Parish's infrastructure is built to Parish standards and adheres to approved plans and contract documents.

One of the major functions of the Parish government is to build and maintain a network of roads, drainage, and bridges in unincorporated areas of the Parish. In Caddo Parish, Public Works has the responsibility to construct and maintain approximately 830 miles of roads and 170 bridges. The Engineering Division supports these efforts by providing engineering, planning, environmental, inspection, and construction services.

Objective: To provide a cost-effective Capital Improvement Program in a timely manner that will provide roads, drainage, and safe and economical bridges. This will be accomplished professionally using the most efficient procedures possible by qualified and trained staff that are sensitive to the public needs. It is the goal of the division to maximize the use of the resources while streamlining the procedures providing for the safe and efficient completion of projects. We want to respond quickly and eliminate roadblocks allowing the division to process each project productively.

Learn More about the Engineering Division here

Fleet & Sign Shop

Equipment and Vehicle Maintenance Services

The Fleet Services Division provides quality equipment and vehicle maintenance to all Caddo Parish departments as well as various other state and municipal offices.

Traffic Signal Installation and Maintenance

Installation and maintenance of traffic control devices (road signs) is important to the driving public. Road signs on Caddo Parish roads are maintained by the Caddo Parish Fleet Service Department.

Sandbags Available to Parish Citizens

During periods of heavy rainfall and flooding, the Caddo Parish Fleet Service Department has sandbags available to citizens of Caddo Parish. Sandbags and sand are available by calling 318-226-6936. Sandbags and sand are separate and sand will need to be loaded by the individual at time of pickup.

Flood Protection Information

By definition, flooding is caused when an area receives more water than the drainage system can convey.  The following is a synopsis of the types of flooding that Caddo Parish experiences.

Flash Flooding: Flash flooding is characterized by a rapid rise in water level, high velocity, and large amounts of debris.  It is capable of uprooting trees, undermining buildings and bridges, and scouring new channels.  Major factors in flash flooding are the high intensity and short duration of rainfall, as well as the steepness of watershed and stream gradients.

Local Drainage or High Groundwater Levels: Locally heavy precipitation may produce flooding in areas other than delineated floodplains or along recognizable drainage channels.  If local conditions cannot accommodate intense precipitation through a combination of infiltration and surface runoff, water may accumulate and cause flooding problems.

Backwater Flooding: Backwater flooding is normally associated with riverine flooding and connotes minimal velocity.  All low lying areas are at risk.  A heavy rainfall event coupled with a swollen river, canal, bayou, or marsh hinders drainage outflow, causing backwater flooding to the same areas susceptible to storm surge.

Riverine Flooding: Riverine flooding is, by definition, river-based.   Most of the riverine flooding problems occur when the Red River crests at flood stage levels, causing extensive flooding in low-lying areas.

Browse the tabs to the left to plan and prepare for a flood event.

For more information, visit the following pages:

Learn More about Flood Protection here

GIS Department

Division Functions

The GIS Department is responsible for creating, maintaining, analyzing, and distributing the Parish's geographic base data. The primary function of the Department is to support Parish operations. We are also responsible for administering GIS-related data requests.

Examples of GIS Data

Geographic information systems (GISs) are essentially computer applications that allow an organization to relate all of its data to points, lines, or areas upon the earth. Examples of GIS data include:

  • Parcels
  • Street centerlines
  • Surface water
  • Elevations (contours)
  • Aerial imagery

The Caddo Parish Public Works Department does not provide GIS Data to the Public. For Parish GIS shapefiles or data requests, please contact the Northwest Council of Government (NLCOG) at 318-226-6724 or the Caddo Assessor's Office (318) 226-6711.


The Caddo Parish Public Works Department’s Permits Division addresses permit for activities within the public right-of-way or activities that could impact public use of the streets and right-of-way.

The Permit Department issues various permits, ranging from Municipal 9-1-1 Addresses to Commercial Vehicle Permits; for additional details, see each permit’s section.

An online application does not approve work. A valid permit issued by the Department of Public Works must be in hand before starting any work in the Parish right-of-way.

Parish of Caddo - Public Works, Permits Department

Online Only Approval:

Solid Waste

To stay up to date on any schedule changes or other Public Works-related updates, we encourage you to visit the Notify Me app on our homepage and sign up for Public Works - News Flash. Updates provided by phone or email, and you may unsubscribe at any time.

Handling Household Garbage

Conveniently located, beautifully landscaped, and readily accessible to Caddo Parish residents, the 18 compactor locations are capable of receiving residential household refuse, which includes:

  • Garbage
  • Furniture
  • Refrigerators
  • Hot water heaters
  • Stoves

Note: Chemicals and batteries are not accepted.

Please see the Solid Waste Guide for a full listing of all accepted items and a listing of current hours of operation and holiday closures.

Roadside Litter Program

In 1992 an intergovernmental agreement was forged between the Parish of Caddo (Public Works Department) and the Caddo Parish Sheriff’s Office. This agreement established a Roadside Litter Program, which allows the sheriff to use prison inmates to remove litter from roadsides throughout the parish.

From 1996-2011 the Roadside Litter Program collected several tons of litter along parish roads. Parish plans include adding another compactor site and expanding the existing recycling program.

Area Recycling

All sites have containers for recycling clean newspaper, cardboard, aluminum, and steel cans. Compactor sites do not accept any glass recyclables.

Compactor Sites Locations and Hours of Operation
