About The Department of Finance
The Department of Finance is responsible for the financial management and planning of the Parish. Duties include establishing and maintaining effective controls over the Parish's financial activities as well as providing accurate and timely financial information to all interested parties. Finance supports all Parish departments and certain outside agencies by providing centralized financial and data processing functions. The Department consists of three divisions: Accounting, Purchasing, and Adult Drug Court. All divisions work closely together to provide the Parish with effective and efficient financial and technological service and other support functions. The Department of Finance is also responsible for the preparation and coordination of the annual operating budget, coordination of the annual audit of the Parish’s Government Wide Financial Statements, and implementation of major financial and administrative policy decisions in the areas of Accounting, Payroll, Budget, Grants, Business Licensing and Purchasing as well as the maintenance of the Parish centralized mailroom.
Accounts Receivable
Business Licenses
Grant Administration
Vendor Information
- Caddo Parish NGO Policy
- NGO Reporting Form Fillable
- 2023 Outcome Report Template
- 2024 Outcome Report Template
- 2024 NGO Expense Ledger
- Caddo Parish NGO Drawdown Form
For more information, please contact:
Parish of Caddo
Jalisa Thomas
Grant and Project Coordinator
P.O. Box 1127
Shreveport, Louisiana 71163-1127
(318) 429-7644
Email: grants@caddo.org
A Drug Treatment Court is a special court given the responsibility to handle cases involving offenders with substance dependence disorders through a combined supervision and treatment program. The program includes frequent drug testing, judicial and probation supervision, substance dependence counseling, treatment, educational opportunities and the use of sanctions and incentives. The Judge is much more involved in supervising drug court offenders than just placing an individual in a probationary or diversionary program for drug treatment.
Mission Statement
The mission of the Caddo Adult Drug Court is to treat substance dependent offenders, thus decreasing related criminal activity. Drug courts promote recovery through a coordinated response to offenders who are dependent on alcohol and other drugs. Utilization of a team approach is required, including collaboration among judges, probation authorities, law enforcement, treatment providers and evaluators. Drug court employs a multi-phased treatment process, generally divided into a stabilization phase, an intensive treatment phase, and a transitional phase. Participants being evaluated for admission will be substance dependent offenders.
It is the belief of The Caddo Adult Drug Court Team that the criminal justice population has a substance dependence problem; that is a primary factor in the causation of crime within Caddo Parish, Louisiana. The Caddo Adult Drug Court Team will provide judicial monitoring, legal support from the District Attorney and the Public Defender’s Office, outpatient substance abuse treatment, supervision through probation and parole, and the support of Law Enforcement with the objective of reducing the rate of incarceration in Louisiana along with the goal of enabling participants to free themselves of addictive disorders.
The Caddo Adult Drug Court’s primary purpose is designed for the rehabilitation of adults with a substance abuse disorder who are referred by District Court Systems or Department of Corrections/Probation.
The program supports the philosophy that all people are capable of living free from dependence on alcohol or other drugs by utilizing appropriate adaptive mechanisms, availing oneself of the resources of family, friends, community, medical/health care and mental health treatment, and also structuring a suitable recovery environment. The Caddo Adult Drug Court Program is designed to treat most participants within a program structured to meet individual needs. Educational sessions, group counseling, individual and family counseling, 12 Step programs and case management are structured in a disciplined environment.
Substance Dependence Disorders are regarded as a disease/condition, which is primarily progressive and without intervention can be fatal. The causes are multiple and may involve physiological, behavioral, emotional, environmental and social factors.
For those participants, who, because of their long history of substance dependence experience withdrawal symptoms severe enough to interfere with daily living, referral for further evaluation for physical and mental health issues will be required. For some evaluation and assessment will indicate that medical treatment and behavioral health treatment is required. For some, detoxification and inpatient/residential will be required. Participants unable to maintain abstinence while participating in the program may require inpatient treatment in order to provide some stability in which to cope with their substance dependence. Three Quarter or Halfway sober living houses for long-term structured therapeutic community involvement as a support to treatment may also be necessary.
- To reduce alcoholism and drug abuse and dependency among offenders;
- To reduce criminal recidivism;
- To reduce the alcohol and drug related work load of the courts;
- To increase the personal, familial and societal accountability of offenders;
- To promote effective interaction and use of resources among community justice personnel and community agencies;
- To reduce the overcrowding of prisons; and
- To provide for better public safety
About the Program
The Adult Drug Court program is a two-year program. It consists of 6 phases: the Orientation Phase, Acute Stabilization Phase, Preparation Phase, Adaptive Habilitation Phase, Continuing Care Phase and the After Care Phase. Clients are promoted through the phases based on their recovery progress culminating in graduation. Sessions are 1 to 3 times per week depending on your phase. Individual and gender specific sessions are also provided. Clients must also attend at least three outside community support meetings per week. The Drug Court Judge conducts status hearings weekly to review the progress of the Participants. Upon successful completion of Drug Court and probation, you may be eligible to file a Motion in accordance with the Louisiana Code of Criminal Procedure, specifically, Article 893 for felonies
The 1st JDC Caddo Adult Drug Court program has graduated more than 340 successful men and women in its 25-year history and has contributed to Louisiana’s current recidivism rate of 6% as compared to the national rate of 17%. The rate of recidivism for drug offenders who do time in prison is 66%.
Caddo Adult drug court is open to drug-using probationers and offenders charged with a nonviolent drug or non-drug case. Probationers or offenders with charges stemming from violence or distributing drugs are typically not eligible for drug court.
Any candidate for drug court must undergo a screening process before being admitted into the program. The screening process involves a criminal background check to evaluate the candidate’s criminal history in order to rule out violent crime offenders and drug dealers. After the background check, the candidate is interviewed by a Drug Court staff member and a computer-driven test is given to determine if the person suffers from substance abuse or addiction. At this point, if the candidate is suitable for the Drug Court program, he or she will undergo a final assessment to determine his or her appropriate treatment group. However, if it determined that Drug Court is not appropriate but the person does have a substance abuse problem the candidate is referred to other treatment programs.
Main Number: 318-841-8820
After Hours Hotline: 318-507-9629
Located at: 1031 Creswell
Shreveport, LA. 71101